My Baby Engine Detail
The first order of business when pulling into a car show or cruise-in is popping the hood and displaying the powertrain. An immaculate engine bay sets Car Show Winners apart from also-rans. It’s not enough to have shiny paint and bright chrome if the engine is dingy under the hood. A spotless engine compartment demonstrates that you take car care seriously and that you truly value your baby. A Full Detail is not complete without an Engine Detail.
Service includes:
- Vacuum debris from engine compartment and vent intakes
- Cover electrical components and wash engine and surrounding area
- Degrease components that are visible from under the hood
- Steam Clean hood insulation
- Clean painted areas on underside of hood
- Shine chrome, painted, or anodized engine components or accessories
- Apply heat-resistant dressing to plastic and rubber components.
Price: $195 for most vehicles